Thursday, August 17, 2006

Well as I wait for the picture to upload, let me remind everyone, whoever has remotely kept up with my blogs, that I was the one that hasn't kept my blog updated like I had promised to. I was on xanga and I decided that it wasn't worth it. I don't know I ended up in this rush to start blogging and all that but now I think I will switch to blogger. Xanga is not appealing anymore to me.

This summer has been great! Those who will see this through facebook definitely know what I am talking about. It's been one of the best summers I have ever had. I think the only comparable summer was the one after the 10th. For those of you have been asking me about what I did, and why I was so busy, it was because I was in Washington D.C.. It is definitely the place I want to go back to in the future, or actually maybe New York , but yes Washington D.C. will definitely see me sometime in the future. Look at that place! THE WHITE HOUSE MAN THE WHITE HOUSE! Its not like I always will agree/disagree with the decisions that are being made that every day, but hey- who would not want to work over there!

I was also at the Federal Reserve Bank of the United States of America- it is where pretty much all the monetary decisions of the economy are made. I was sitting at that Board table, and trust me( yes its a highly biased comment), but that place was exhilarating. That experience was exhilarating. I know I will be there some day, will be a research assistant to some economist, cause that is what I want to do. I can still work at the White House but definitely will have to do this, I am determined.

I don't think I will start writing about what I have been doing these years, ever since I left India. I will in the next post and it is a promise.

I will have to take leave now. I hope I will be able to keep up with blogging.

Peace out(if this gets too cliche, do tell me-will stop it)

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