Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Don't Judge me by my opinion

It might seem odd that I've made a statement like that. In all seriousness, don't judge me by my opinion. I mean opinions change. They have to right? You let a person change. Let the opinion change too.

Case and point : The current World Cup. Facebook updates are filled with a topsy turvy of opinions. "Yay, the way India is going, we are going to the finals". Ten seconds, eleven seconds, twelve seconds.....A minute (You get my drift). "Come on, men in blue. Can you not do one thing right??" Stars around my head. What happened a while back? Of course, this is to be blamed on the fact that this is always the case with the Indian team and all the blahs that follow along. But I thought changing opinions was hypocritical?

So here's to not judging an individual on their opinions. To those have believed in something, and have in the course of their thought process decided to change their belief and failed to acknowledge it, feel free to stand with your chin up.

After all- its just an opinion


1 comment:

Aravind Krishna K said...

tummuch off...

12 secs..

whoa :-o

12 secs..

tummuch off