Background: Viet and I have known each other for a very long time now, considering we both did our undergrad from UH and from economics. While I am still at UH, Viet ran away to MSU. But we still chat- a lot! And I mean A LOT!!!! So we decided to chat about the debate live, cause both of us are quite iffy when it comes to the memory issue. Midway through the chat we decide to put it on my blog, because we are that bored and want to be amused by god knows what. So here it is: You can be offended, you can laugh at it, you can laugh at our chats, but do not question are views, cause trust me both of us were LIVE BLOGGING and we were bored. [I figure I won't be able to use the BORED excuse for quite some time]. Have fun!
8:01 PM me: ok debate time
yay! debate!!!
8:02 PM Viet: oh lord
question, what's the point of suspending campagine activities???
8:03 PM me: hahahaha
8:04 PM Viet: i mean, the RNC was scaled way back due to hurricane, i can somewhat see the point
me: :D
8:05 PM Viet: what???
8:08 PM hez not answering the queston???!?!?!
Viet: that's a total sonic the hedgehog rip-off
me: yea
true that
8:09 PM Viet: he didn't answer a question???
me: no
as in
he kept saying bt how he went to Washington and stuff
the guy asked him where dyu stand about the gloabl fina issue
and thats what he said
8:10 PM Viet: wtf???
8:11 PM wth does normandy has to do w/ anything??
obama's kicking his butt
he needs to realize that
8:12 PM Viet: hahaha mccain isn't patriot enough
Viet: he aint got an american flag pin on
me: hehehhehehehe
8:13 PM Viet: hey do u know how i can get an absentee ballot??
8:14 PM me: hmm good question
donno though
lets research this
there u go
research done
Viet: huh???
8:15 PM what does gov spending and the financial crisis has to do w each other??
me: lessee
because the govt doesnt spend enuff we have a fin crisis
or because they spend we have a fin crisis
8:16 PM i dont think mccain noes what hez talking about
Viet: mccain is going w the second
me: ok
8:18 PM REALLY??????
oh lord
he doesnt know what hez talking
8:19 PM Viet: obama's geting pissed
me: yea.....
dinner time
8:20 PM lets hope obama isnt pissed too much
hez being more assertive though
Viet: k
me: mccain's taking it lightly
17 minutes |
8:37 PM Viet: let's count how many time mccain says he can cut spending
8:38 PM or miss congeniality
me: i was just about to type that
8:39 PM Viet: hahhaa
me: hahahah amy mom says
why is he saying eeraq instead of eyeraw
Viet: lessons of iraq, i can cut spending
me: eyeraq*
Viet: what strategy??
me: :D
8:40 PM some strategy
i am gonna post our chat on this on the blog
Viet: it's the no strategy that is our strategy
me: precisely
Viet: do it
me: oh there we have patraeus again
we aren't winning in Iraq
8:41 PM Viet: mission accomplished
b/c mission is accomplished
me: ok ew are gonna count "fundamental difference" as well
htere you go
ok seems like i am biased
but seriosuly when mccain said that we shud cut govt spedning and blah blah
8:42 PM i wanted to scream out- ur party's the one that spent on 2 wars in 8 years
i mean seriously
Viet: wow
i wish i got 10 billion a month
me: or for the rest of my life
Viet: i dont think i could spend all of it fast enough
8:43 PM me: that decision hez already made
100 year war :D
8:44 PM uh oh
obama's in trouble
no wonder obama was harvard law review president
he knows how to talk
8:45 PM Viet: burn!!!!!!
me: I KNOW!!!!!
Viet: wrong wrong wrong
me: wrong what?
8:46 PM Viet: whatever, there was stop loss orders
me: so how come patraeus only invited him and that other dude?!?!
Viet: ^ on soldiers re-enlisting for iraq
me: and no democrats
err wad does that mean
ok this chat is awesome ;)
8:47 PM Viet: stop loss order = active military cannot leave military
me: :O
Viet: mean, if ur time was up, u had to stay
me: uh huh
Viet: yea
really :O
8:48 PM me: precisely- afghanistan is so screwed because of us
Viet: why is he smiling??
me: mccain?
Viet: yea
me: i think your transmission is faster than mine
8:49 PM Viet: no he's been grinning for the last 5 minutes
me: hahahahahah
that way
obama is a debater
oh fuck!!!!!!!
Viet: yea
me: hahahahahahahahahahahah
Viet: he's a lawyer, right??
oh fuck what??
me: osama and patraeus have one thing in common
Viet: oh i missed that
me: iraq is a battleground is a common thing
8:50 PM military questions are tricky
you could fal into a trap
and yes obama is a lawyer
8:51 PM Viet: burn!!!!!
double burn!!!!
me: i know
damn hez gainin strength
8:52 PM he actually worked this
ooo poppy trade
bush is working towards shutting/cutting down that trade in inida
Viet: i wonder if intrade has anything for the debate
me: i think it does, because of that whole tie up with global financial crisis thing
:O :O :O :O :O
did he just say that
8:53 PM the whole russia and afghan thing
we've always instated the people we go back and fight against
8:54 PM Viet: didn't we just fire into pakistan a few days ago??
8:55 PM me: YES :D
8:56 PM the new guy in pak is going to be back stabber
Viet: who/??
me: zardari
8:57 PM awesome
failed state?
Viet: what happened to musharraf??
me: he resigned before he was impeached
Viet: oh
8:58 PM me: :D
Viet: is he the one that was on the dailyshow a few years ago, promoting his book or something??
me: errr dont think so
8:59 PM Viet: ok, wrong guy then
this dude
Viet: yea, he was on the daily show
me: oh ok
i missed it then
hez so making up these stories
its evident
9:00 PM Viet: hahahaha
9:01 PM me: not now
its debate time ;)
with chat though :P
9:02 PM did we have to say that about subcommittee?
9:03 PM YAY!!! TIME!!!!
9:04 PM really?????????
Viet: oh we let it happened, think of africa
me: ok so now we go to Russia- preventing work at the UN
no no
i am saying how loosely that word is used now
McCain- Iranians have a lousy govt
I am sure they are saying the same thing about us
Viet: yea
9:05 PM lousy government = lousy economy
9:06 PM me: its so difficult to say whoz a terrorist org and whoz not
Viet: yea
i heart centerfuges
9:07 PM me: heheeheehe
oooo obama is cunning
he wants russia and china to be accountable when sanctions come
Viet: hahaha
i remember the stink it cause a few years ago, when iran got a few centerfuges
9:08 PM me: so that the blame's just not on the US when things fuck up again
ok we were in Iraq
now we are in Latin America
i love traveling
Viet: what kind of negogiation is it when u have preconditions???
me: think prenup viet
Viet: hey we espoused the extermindation of iraq
me: prenup ;)
9:09 PM there
i was waiting for Kissinger;s name to come up
there preconditions again
Viet: yea, but isn't negogiation a prelude to setting conditions??
me: what sort of preconditions
9:10 PM that unless you have women and JD i wont be there at tthe negotiation
Viet: one precondition that occured is with n korea, stating that the US will only negogiate nuclear treaty only if u stop all nuclear refinement
9:11 PM like wtf is that??, who in their right mind would agree to anything??
me: thas what obama said- low level diplomatic talks before something big happens
there u go
obama is up with N Korea
Viet: exactly
ty obama
me: thas why when Rice went there in Summer of 06
she fell flat on the face
cos she dint know wht to do
9:12 PM Viet: yea, with precondition that they stop all nuclear testing
me: plus lebanon and israel started their stupid fight
Viet: what kind of bullshit is that
me: some bull shit that made sense to them
Viet: bad attempt at humor
me: SERIOUSLY???!!! did he just think that was a joke
Viet: hey kissinger was brought up!!!
9:13 PM me: second time
"Sen Obama doesn't seem to understnad"= prolly the 6th time
:O :O naive dangerous
hez talking video game talk
Viet: it's more like he doesn't understand
me: whaaat???
9:14 PM why the height between South Koreans and North Koreans
Viet: if it's the most oppressive regime on earth, why the hell are we not fighting them??
me: There Reagan in the debate
cos they have sooper nuke powers
Viet: exactly
me: and they cud wipe us out if they got bored and angered by us
Viet: that's why iran wants nuke power
me: uh huh
9:15 PM ok wipe out is an exaggeration
Viet: nuke power = US not the monkey on ur back
me: but u get the point
kissinger- 3rd time
u;ve known him 35 years becase you are OLD now!!!
Viet: his friend
or 35 years
9:16 PM me: :D
9:17 PM hez so much better than Kerry and the whole I have a plan thing
Viet: hahahaha
me: uh oh
nuclear proliferation
9:18 PM CTBT and all that
obama wants India and Pak to sign that
so since russia committed that serious crime
9:19 PM Viet: hahahaha
me: we start prepping for war against them ?
McCain- I saw into Putin's eyes and saw three letter KGB
mccain is not helping his case
9:20 PM Viet: ooo, he went there once
me: ooooo
9:21 PM Ukraine???
err ok
lets see where this goes
9:23 PM i guess thats why we have so many ukranians in the dept ;)
that wasn't meant to be there
Viet: hahaahaha
9:24 PM me: obama said plan
i am scared
hez not originally from AZ right?
9:25 PM uh oh
the host is a little lenient towards Obama
9:26 PM oh snap!!!!!!
good question
what is the likelihood of another 9/11
Viet: loaded question
me: and the answer is unloaded
and he said liebermann
ok i spelled that wrong
9:27 PM no onez asking what the refroms are
we want to know wil anohter 9.11 happen
no more torturing another prisonner
Viet: nobody will answer that
me: is anyone screaming Gitmo bay?
9:28 PM Viet: security is only an illusion
9:29 PM me: damn al-qaeda in 60 countries :O
9:30 PM Viet: yea
me: hahahah obama understands that america's lost respect in the world
Viet: pretty much any muslim dominated country
me: hmmm
Viet: SE asia is a hot spot for al qaeda
9:31 PM me: hmmm
oooooo emotional outreach
american blood
Viet: hahaha
is that his lover??
me: well if hez not the general
then he is that i presume
9:32 PM check status ;)
9:33 PM Viet: haha
9:35 PM me: hahahahahahah
obama-my father came from kenya, thats where i get my name
9:37 PM Viet: oooo i have to see that one
me: hahahah
so we are done with debate chat
9:38 PM stephanapolous is right
ok i am biased towards stephanapolous
9:39 PM hahahahahahahahahah
he said about the doesn't understand thing as well :D
damn i shud go work with him
hez saying what i am saying
Viet: yea stephanapolous is more awesome
9:40 PM me: we shud do this for a living
Viet: hahaha
me: and send it to stephanapolous
9:41 PM whad say?
9:42 PM Viet: ok, i'm beat,
me: heheheh
9:43 PM dyu realize we typed insanely
Viet: hahahaa
i did it with one hand eating cheetoes
hahaha, just kidding
me: :D
9:44 PM hehehe
true that.....obama was awesome when it came to foreign policy
i shud be a journalist/political analyst
sscrew economics
9:45 PM Viet: no
me: oh
Viet: be journalist/econ poly analyst
me: hez talking about mccain;s travel things
9:46 PM Viet: ok
i'm off to bed
me: awrite
i am gonna post this soon
9:47 PM if u r ok with it that is
Viet: hahaha
yea sure
me: hhehehehe
fun friday :D
Viet: add some random muses in there and i'll be cool with it
me: :D
good night
Viet: later
me: later
i'm still bored
well stay that way then or come down to UH
dudette, u really want me to be a nomadic grad student don't u???
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