Call it cynicism, call it pessimism , but one of the biggest curses to modern day television undoubtedly has to be Reality TV. Big Brother, Beauty and the Geek, The Bachelor(ette), Wife Swap, Nanny 911, Who wants to marry a US citizen? No, the last one is not something I conjured up during this write-up, but it is a new show that will be airing soon. I hate to admit it, but I am in awe of these shows; it is mesmerizing how producers come up with these ideas. And what is even more interesting; is the plethora of time the average person has to participate in these shows. Needless to say, is the unmitigated media attention winners of these shows are awarded. News is not news until gossip comes up. Shocking huh? I mock with a lot of intention.
Reality TV is by far, a sick safe haven viewers are granted after hard day at work. Or so I think. Or so some of us think. If reality TV was meant to be family time, run away from it as far as you can. Sex on camera, swearing on camera, you name it, you've got it. Sex is very obvious, and the whole bleep thing is mundane, because their lips are focused and we know what they are saying. If I were to watch it, just as a dinner table show, with my mom around, you know what the consequence would be. And what do they call it- Entertainment. That's what the people want. I guess it's true, cause they do have wonderful... drum roll please....Ratings. Everything is ratings motivated.
Which brings me to the burning question, have we surpassed all levels of decency; especially when it comes to TV? Subtle things are fine, but when you make it too obvious, it is plain nauseating.
Now game shows, I have a sincere fascination for them.
I admit some of those shows are the dumbest I've ever seen, but can't blame them for airing such shows if they're making money out of it.
Besides, nobody's forcing you to watch them noo... if you don't like them, don't watch them :D
Sure its a slipper slope. But when you don't have cable TV at your place, and all you have access to is network TV, it becomes inevitable to sit down and comprehend these shows. Like I said, I am fascinated with these shows, but nevertheless, disgusted too :-(
You should watch MTV roadies then...
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