Monday, April 16, 2007

Is rational thinking that difficult?

You wake up Monday morning looking forward to another week-exams, quizzes, projects and that lovely Friday beckoning you to party it out again. And then out of nowhere you face death-of no fault of your own you stare into the eyes of death,knowing that this is the last time you are going to ever see broad daylight.

33 dead at Virginia Tech including the shooter. He lined some of them against the wall and shot them to death. Two shootings with a gap of two and half hours. The first one took place in the dorm and the campus was not locked down, an email was sent to the students that a gunman was on campus. Two and half hours later, another shooting in a classroom.

Students were allowed to get to campus even after the first shooting. How stupid is that? Sending out an email? How many of us on a monday morning waking up late get to the email? Why was the university not shut down after the first one itself? Officials say "they had reason to believe that the shooter had left campus" and hence no more measures were taken. It should have been taken more seriously.

I know the incident took place at Virginia Tech but I cannot hide the fact that I am shaken too. More like a jolt of reality. It could have been any of us over there. It could have been any of our campuses. I hope everyone you know up at VT is safe. It is hard not to be scared, but at times like these all you can do is stay strong and show that hope is the pushing factor in life.


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