Sunday, April 06, 2008

If only life could be highlighted...

Colour coding one's notes is a study method a lot of us use. "Here's what's important for the test"- you have so many different colours of highlighters; you forget what colour represented what. Imagine if it were possible to do so with life. Colour code the merrier times and leave out the sad ones. Highlight those that seem important, those that seem meaningful and most of all those that represent you and forget the rest. Wouldn't it have been that much easier? Life is a notebook, would then cease to be a cliche and be a reality. Red for family, green from friends, yellow for this, blue for that....Life would be all the more colourful than it is today....

But then would it seriously be colourful, if we chopped off the down turns? Wouldn't we be ignorant and naive in a way; thus diminishing our learning experience? Do we learn from everything or do we learn from certain things?

Add colour to your life, don't colour code it. I wish I could live by that....


Babbloo said...

If you want to visually relate to what you just said...i strongly recommend that you watch "Pleasantville"

Subtle in making us realize the importance of color

shreybomb said...


Thanks for those "expert" comments. I am glad you found relatability( I am sure I just cooked up a word) Will indulge in that mood as soon as time availability pounces!